French Lesson Fridays at Rochambeau!

Have you dreamed about learning French? Now you can learn French Rochambeau in The Back Bay every Friday night at 6 pm. Each week we will select a new topic to explore, giving you the essential tools to navigate virtually any situation. Choose your favorite topic or attend the entire series! Our Friday French Lessons Series is free and open to the public with registration via Eventbrite, as space is limited. At Rochambeau’s French Fridays, food and beverages will also be available for purchase as these two-hour lessons will begin with a meet and greet and move into a seated class.
Featured French Instructor
As we segue into November, we would love to see you join us at Rochambeau for our French Friday lessons. Our featured French teacher, Madame Erin Foley, offers numerous years of experience teaching conversational and Advanced Placement French. We are pleased to host Madame Foley at Rochambeau and cannot wait for the learning to begin. We hope to host you as well on our endeavor into the French language.
Friday French Lessons
Our new Friday French lessons at Rochambeau will begin on November 4th, and each month we will be releasing a new lineup of topics you show interest in. Throughout each class, you will have a different lesson and learn new phrases to help you through different situations, from standard greetings to finding love. Don’t hesitate to enjoy your favorite wines and Rochambeau meals throughout the lesson! Continue reading to see the class titles and a summary of what you will learn each French Friday at Rochambeau.
Bonjour vs. Bonsoir
The first lesson starts with the basics. Throughout your journey of learning the standard greetings, Madame Foley will also learn your introductions and how to say what you do for work in French. This lesson is an essential staple for learning French, so make sure you don’t miss this one!
Dinner with a Friend
Thinking about visiting France and want to learn more about ordering and small talk at the table? Throughout this lesson on dinner with a friend, Madame Foley will teach you how to order, ask for the check, and the proper etiquette in a French restaurant.
Putting Yourself Out There
This course aims to help you navigate the streets of France and read the essential signage you may not see here in the States. Sign up for this lesson and let Madame Foley teach you how to get around the city, take an uber, grab a cab, or even take the Paris Métro!
L' amour
Our last class of November involves finding love. Throughout this lesson, you will learn how to take that big step, ask people out on dates, standard pickup lines, and address people adequately and not offend them, as the language barrier can be tricky to navigate.
Attend French Fridays at Rochambeau
Whether you are looking to learn or clean up on your French, visit Rochambeau every Friday for free French lessons! Register today, as space is limited, and look for updated topics each month. For more information about French Fridays, call us at 617-247-0400! We look forward to seeing you practice your French on Fridays and providing top-notch French cuisine.